In the Belgium city of Kobbegem, the InterConnect project aims at creating a Local Energy Community with single connection to the grid and one management system.

Two residential buildings in the local energy community and one building, part of the “virtual” energy community, will be intervened.

The following technologies will be installed:

  • Energy management system.
  • Heat pump.
  • Energy storage.
  • Charger.
  • PV panels.
Go to article: coverGo to article: IndexGo to article: 1. Our 7 large-scale pilotsGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilotGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: AntwerpGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Genk ThermovaultGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Genk ThorparkGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: GhentGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: HasseltGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: KobbegemGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Oud-HeverleeGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: ZellikGo to article: 3. The French pilotGo to article: 3. The French pilot: Public buildingsGo to article: 3. French pilot: residentialGo to article: 4. The German pilot Go to article: 4. The German pilot: residentialGo to article: 4. The German pilot: hotel ownersGo to article: 4. The German pilot: hotel guestsGo to article: 5. The Greek pilotGo to article: 6. The Italian pilotGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilotGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilot: residentialGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilot: commercialGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilotGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilot: commercialGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilot: residentialGo to article: final