Newsletter #9

March-April 2021

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant agreement No 857237.

Go to article: coverGo to article: IndexGo to article: 1. Our 7 large-scale pilotsGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilotGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: AntwerpGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Genk ThermovaultGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Genk ThorparkGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: GhentGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: HasseltGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: KobbegemGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: Oud-HeverleeGo to article: 2. The Belgium pilot: ZellikGo to article: 3. The French pilotGo to article: 3. The French pilot: Public buildingsGo to article: 3. French pilot: residentialGo to article: 4. The German pilot Go to article: 4. The German pilot: residentialGo to article: 4. The German pilot: hotel ownersGo to article: 4. The German pilot: hotel guestsGo to article: 5. The Greek pilotGo to article: 6. The Italian pilotGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilotGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilot: residentialGo to article: 7. The Netherlands pilot: commercialGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilotGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilot: commercialGo to article: 8. The Portuguese pilot: residentialGo to article: final