5. Exploitation of the complex InterConnect project is a challenging question. How will we make impact?
How do we combine the many results we are creating? How can all partners make the best of their participation?
On the 17th of February, we hosted the Exploitation Strategy Seminar, a module of the Horizon Results Booster service, which was delivered by LC Innoconsult, an external consultancy.
In the seminar we analysed and improved the exploitation plan of different Key Exploitable Results of the project, namely:
1. Flexibility aggregation at buildings (Solution to aggregate existing flexibility at buildings for subsequent flexibility exploitation).
2. InterConnect Interoperability Framework Software platform (Enabling smooth communication among devices and components from different vendors and technologies).
The identification of different types of risks, a competitor analysis, a good definition of the Unique Selling Proposition (USPs), and the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) strategy are important points to consider from an early stage onwards.